Sunday, August 16, 2015

First Impressions

I love this place!

The weather is nice. When we arrived it was hot. They say the last few weeks have been record breaking hot for here, but it's not as hot as Texas. Then it rained a couple days and now it's actually really cool, feels like fall.  Don't ask me what the exact temperature is, it's all metric so I have no idea. 

There's hardly any bugs! Love this about our area. I don't know if it's because of the desert climate, or the extreme cold winters but there really are very few bugs.

I love riding the city buses. I get on and think, Wow, it would have taken me FOREVER to walk this far. Because pretty much you walk everywhere. You can also get taxis here but... We had to take two taxis from the airport to our friend's house where we are staying because all our six suitcases would not fit in just one. The taxi I was in with Little Bear had a minor collision. Nobody was hurt thankfully, but I was a little shook up. I'm told crashes are rare around here, and I remind myself that my driver didn't want to die any more than I did. But I'm still a little nervous in taxis.

The food smells soooo good. And it tastes good too (most of it). Unfortunately so many of the dishes involve noodles or bread which I have to avoid. But I'm sure as we continue to explore we will find more options. I did find almond milk at the Carrefour grocery store so that's exciting. At least I think it's almond milk but I can't really tell because...

I am illiterate. This might be ok except that I am a label reading freak. I like to know what's in my food. Now I can only look at the pictures on the label and guess what it is. We all know how reliable that is.

Saw this at the refrigerated section at the grocery store. Not really sure...


  1. Yay! Wish I could come for a visit already!
    LOL about the horses! At first I thought maybe jerky? But if it's refrigerated, perhaps some sort of cheese...

  2. It looks like it says 喜嫂熏马肠, which is "smoked horse intestines." Give 'em a try; maybe you'll like 'em.

    However, I've eaten cold cow's stomach and it wasn't delightful.

    The buses are usually really nice though, especially when taking a little one around town. It can take time to learn different bus routes, but it is so worth it. We definitely prefer buses over taxis most of the time.

    Hope you have fun over here!



    1. Hmm, smoked horse intestine...I think I'll pass! :)
