
Deputation has been a means for us to raise awareness and support for our work overseas. We have traveled much of the United States over the past two years. We have been to many meetings and made so many wonderful friends. But what is it really like to live "on the road" for two years?

An Honest Look At Deputation From A Wife's Perspective:

Deputation is uprooting from everything you know and are comfortable with. Leaving friends and family. Not being in control of your schedule, your diet, your daily routine. Sleeping in a different place every few days. Spending hours in the car. Having nowhere that feels like home anymore. Being put on a pedestal and scrutinized. Struggling to find joy and meaning in what seems like such a waste of time and money. Hitting rock bottom emotionally and finding that it was never about you anyway, but about Him.

Realizing that Father is working in your heart. Letting go. Learning to live in the moment. Understanding that every love offering, every gift basket, every meal is an outpouring of His love through the hearts and hands of His people. Getting to spend hours together in the car, talking, listening to audiobooks and music. Seeing new places. Keeping a sense of humor, and laughing when things seem ridiculous. Discovering that you no longer view people you just met as strangers, but as new friends. Learning the fine art of conversation. Feeling your marriage grow stronger and sweeter as you work through things that would never have surfaced it you lived a more “normal” life. Knowing more than ever that this world is not our home. Finding joy and meaning in simply focusing on what Father has for you to do today. Realizing that you are changing, learning, and growing in more ways than you could have ever expected.

Yes, deputation has been all this and more. Has it been easy? No. Have there been days I just wanted to quit? Yes. Has it been worth it? Yes! Thank you to all of you who have invested in us, taken care of us, and completely spoiled us during our deputation journey. We are getting down to the little details of packing now (how many sticks of deodorant should I take?). I am so excited! And a little nervous. Please lift us up as we prepare to transition to a new country, language, and culture. There are many adventures ahead!